Immersive Workshop, with Sustainable Darkroom

THE SUSTAINABLE DARKROOM is an artist-run research, training and mutual learning programme, founded by Hannah Fletcher in 2019, and run in conjunction with Ed Carr and Alice Cazenave. They aim for a total transformation of the way photographers work, think, and exist in the living world. Engaged with a present understanding of ecology, the Sustainable Darkroom is one of the most contemporary forms of photography to date, leading the movement in challenging the environmental impact and sustainability of photography.

In 2021, they launched the world’s first physical darkroom space run on the principles of their movement. The Sustainable Darkroom has given talks and workshops both online and in person across the world including: The Photographers Gallery, The Royal College of Art, Slade School of Art, University of The Arts London, The Science Gallery Bengaluru, The Photography and Video Show, Centre for Creative Photography of Finland, North East Photography Network, Experimental Photo Festival Barcelona, Filmwerkplaats Rotterdam, and Endangered Species Coalition, in Washington DC. They have been featured in numerous international publications and podcasts, including The Lissom Berlin, Amateur Photographer Magazine, Photoworks Photography+, 35mmc, New Classic Film Podcast, Texture Magazine Berlin, and The Photo Ethics Podcast.


22nd to 25th August

Participants will be invited to set up camp at São Francisco Building, in Chamusca (Santarém, Portugal), to learn, experiment and develop work with the support and guidance of artists Hannah Fletcher, Ed Carr and Alice Cazenave, who run The Sustainable Darkroom and will be sharing the building with the participants during that period.

The São Francisco Building is a large space, featuring a work room, living areas, several bedrooms, a large kitchen and bathrooms. For 4 days, the space will be adapted so that participants can dive into alternative ecological practices in photography.

Thursday, 22nd16h-19h +
Arrival and reception of all participants.

Dinner and Introductory lecture.
Friday, 23rd10h-13h +
Chlorophyll printing.

Photo walk and develop collective films with plant based developer.
Saturday, 24th10h-13h +
15h-16h +
Pinhole cameras and plant based developers.

Salt and calcium chloride fixers.

Film screening and lecture.
Sunday, 25th10h-13h +
15h-18h +
Semi-solid developers with chemigrams and photograms.
Sustainable thinking and waste management.

Farewell gathering and dinner.
Monday, 26thMorningDeparture of all participants.

Some of the work produced during this residency will be shown during the Festival, in October, if participants so desire.

This program will be limited to 20 participants, so it is expected that, during the course of the residency, we’ll be experiencing an enthusiastic, empathetic and familiar environment.

Accommodation will be in shared rooms, so upon arrival participants will be asked to organize themselves accordingly. You will not need to bring bed linen, just personal hygiene utensils (towels, soap, etc.).

The registration fee is 400€ per participant. All equipment and materials are included in the fee. There will be plenty available for all to experiment and produce work.

The registration fee covers accommodation, but neither travels, nor food (though there will be plenty food staples for coffee breaks and light vegetarian lunches). Participants will be able to organize themselves to use the kitchen, but we’ll also provide information regarding restaurants, as well as other services you might need to use.

Anyone interested in this residency may join in, as long as they meet the following criteria:

  • Be over 18 years old;
  • Be able to understand and speak English;
  • Be keen to share the experience and work in a group environment.

To register, please fill out the form and submit it, after which you will be contacted by our team in order to confirm and reserve your place.

Registrations will be open until July 10th.

Formulário de Inscrição